Welcome our new Advancement & Recognition Chair – Sully Sullivan!

Welcome our new Advancement & Recognition Chair – Sully Sullivan!

Please welcome Sully Sullivan to the Sonoran Sunset leadership team!  Sully is our Advancement & Recognition Chair replacing Gary Vaughan.

As a Scout leader, Sully Sullivan has been associated in various forms with the BSA since 1997. Born in Big Spring, TX then Seattle as a teen, Burbank, Brazil, Salt Lake City and Phoenix with a few stops all throughout the west, Sully has been around. Sully enjoyed Scouting as a Cub and a Scout. He didn’t achieve the rank of Eagle, but he remembers the camaraderie, the love of the outdoors and great Scout leaders that anchored him in Scouting. 

As a Scoutmaster, Sully has been using the Mission and Aims of Scouting to help his Scouts become better people – better as a citizen, a student, a friend and hopefully a spouse. For Sully, it has been a great road of service and many miles yet to travel. 

In his 20+ years in the construction world, Sully has found that adults are no different than young scouts, just with a bit more baggage along with some deeper, but correctable habits and a little less hair. What he has learned as a leader, coach and mentor has helped him personally and professionally.

Sully is an avid Scouter and outdoorsman. He loves to camp, hike and fish with his family and enjoys his Scout service in various capacities. Sully met his Arizona White Mountains sweetheart in 1996, Melissa Bigelow, and they have been married since April of 1997. Sully and Melissa have four children, 17 year old twins Sara and Ethan (Life Scout), Jenna 16 (going on 21) and Nathan 9. They currently reside in Glendale, Arizona.

Make sure to say hi when you see Sully or shoot him an email with your Advancement questions or suggestions.