Drive-By Cub Scout Award Ceremony

Drive-By Cub Scout Award Ceremony

By Karen J Meury
Committee Chair Cub Scout Pack 126

Challenging times challenge us to find new ways to do things. Cub Scout Pack 126 took on the challenge of recognizing the outstanding efforts our scouts have done this past year with a ‘Drive-By’ ceremony. Normally our pack celebrates Blue and Gold at the end of the year so we can award ranks, awards and other special activities from the year. This year provided the extra challenge of not only how we were going to conduct our Blue and Gold but also how we were going to have our Cross Over and Arrow of Light Awards Ceremonies. We had decided that we were going to have a carnival theme for the year but agonized how to translate that into celebrating our scouts just not in person.

The ‘Stay at home’ decree was lightened but yet we still have to maintain social distance and wear masks to make sure everyone stays as safe as possible. With parades at retirement homes, ‘drive by’s’ for food and take-out and drive-in movies coming back into style it was jokingly thrown out there, “Let’s have a drive by!” It was quiet after that remark. Why not? We could do it safely and still celebrate our scouts hard work! We set the date for Saturday 2 May 2020, took all of the items we had for our normal ceremonies and rolled it into one. The scouts that were crossing over would get to do that with our crossover bridge and receive their Arrow of Light awards. Our younger scouts received their ranks and awards and took some special pictures. Parents were able to cheer on their scouts and get out of the house for a while and we all honked our horns in honor of each scout that was able to attend.

We maintained social distancing, and everyone showed up with a mask and family members packed their cars. This pack year has ended with many challenges, but the scouts and families still showed up and participated showing the resiliency of our scouting family. The scouts were ecstatic that their “pack” was still there and remembered them and are excited about working on fun things over the summer and starting the new pack year in August. We are all immensely proud of the members and families of Cub Scout Pack 126 in helping to make scouting fun and exciting for all!