Committee Member

Committee Members

Each district committee oversees different aspects of running and delivering the Scouting program to the district. We are always in need of adult volunteers to assist in each committee.

A committee member commitment is generally for a year, the district membership runs for a calendar year beginning in January.

There are also opportunities for short term commitments to help coordinate an event. If you enjoy helping out with a specific event like Pinewood Derby, Fishing Derby, Cuborees, Camporees, etc. Consider signing up to volunteer to make any one of our district-wide youth events a success.

Sonoran Sunset Committees


Fund development within the district is directed by the finance committee. The committee ensures funding is not a barrier to providing programs to our Scouting community. The committee implements the Friends of Scouting, popcorn sales and camp card programs.


The nominating committee provides fresh resources to the district committee through building of a committee that is representative of the district.


Builds a volunteer committee to ensure steady, balanced, membership growth throughout the district while maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with chartered organizations and other community and youth-serving groups within the district’s territory.


Recruits and builds an organization of volunteers to strengthen and enrich unit program by overseeing the district’s program function and supporting the work of the district program volunteers. The program committee includes the following subcommittees:

  • Activities & Service
  • Advancement & Recognition
  • Camping
  • Training


The communication committee assists the district in conveying the benefits of Scouting to the general public and the Scouting family.


Tracks, evaluates, communicates and provides timely followup with the district committee on all measures of district performance based on current Council goals and objectives.